International Investigations

Searching for someone or something in Israel or abroad? Orgal handles all the various kinds of international investigations you need quickly and efficiently, regardless of where you are on the globe. Our collaboration with well-known private investigators in North and South America, Europe, and the Far East, our membership in the Israel Bureau of Private […]
Industrial Espionage

Have a feeling that your competitor knows everything about you? We can expose whoever is revealing your professional secrets and sabotaging your business. Whether you need to assess the financial potential of merging with another company, identify your competitor’s advantages, or examine the quality of relationships and organizational atmosphere in a company – when you […]
ריגול תעשייתי

יש לך תחושה שהמתחרה שלך יודע עליך הכל?
Locating lost assets

Looking for an asset your grandfather might bought years ago in Israel? We will examine the facts and locate your property. Orgal has gained a reputation in locating lost property and assets that were acquired in the past but have not been claimed, and in its vigorous activity to restore property of sentimental and financial […]
איתור נכסי נעדרים

תמיד סיפרו במשפחה שסבא רכש שטח אי שם בארץ לפני שעלה ארצה? נבדוק את העובדות ונאתר עבורך את הנכס חברת אורגל צברה מוניטין רב באיתור רכוש ונכסי נעדרים שנרכשו בעבר וטרם נדרשו, ובפעילותה הנמרצת להשבת נכסים בעלי ערך רגשי וכלכלי לבעליהם החוקיים. מומחיותנו בתחום איתור נכסי נעדרים, מבוססת על עשרות שנות ניסיון בהן סייענו ליורשים […]
Commercial and Financial Investigations

Plan on acquiring a company or asset abroad? We will investigate all financial and business aspects enabling you to make the right decision. Any business that places an importance on evaluating its steps carefully before entering into a business contract will find the commercial and financial investigations conducted by Orgal as the perfect tool designed […]
חקירות כלכליות / מסחריות

בכוונתך לרכוש חברה או נכס בחו"ל?
חקירות בינלאומיות

מחפש מישהו או משהו בארץ או בחו"ל?
Intellectual Property

Need to protect your patents and copyrights? We will uncover the violations and the culprits, and allow you to continually oversee your intellectual property. The exposure of intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, secret processes, formulas and other proprietary information, puts your business in danger. Just like physical property, intangible intellectual property whose source is […]